Northern Home Buyer

Northern Home Buyer is dedicated to providing homeowners with a swift, stress-free property sale.

It can be extremely time-consuming to sell on the open market, and will often mean that the homeowner incurs extra expenses. In many cases, selling a property through an estate agent is not a viable option due to any number of unique personal situations. Usually our clients are facing problems such as imminent repossession, divorce, the need to relocate and many of the other inherent difficulties in life. We will make an offer based on an evaluation and inspection of the property, and if you accept we will complete in a time frame that suites you—allowing you to avoid the complicated and expensive alternative options. We offer all sellers the option to rent their home back so that they can continue to live in it on either a short or long-term basis. There are no hidden fees or expenses and we will pay for legal fees. 

Please call us today on 0208 088 9012